Sunday, October 14, 2018

Marijuana plant

What is marijuana?
Marijuana comes from the plant Cannabis sativa. When using marijuana for medicinal purposes, the whole, unprocessed plant is used. The same ingredients are in the medicinal and recreational marijuana, but when marijuana is used in health care, it is grown to have fewer chemicals that cause the feeling of euphoria. 

How is it used for medicinal purposes?
There are cannabinoids, an active chemical in medical marijuana, which is similar to the chemicals in the body that impacts appetite, memory, movement, and pain. Research suggests that cannabinoids can reduce anxiety, inflammation, kill cancer cells, slow tumor growth, relax tight muscles in people with MS. 

What are the health benefits of medical marijuana?
Although there have not been much research studies with medical marijuana, it has been used to treat cancer, Crohn’s disease, muscle spasms, appetite loss, nausea, and pain.

Is marijuana always good?
There is recreational marijuana that is a greenish-gray mixture of dried flowers, also from the Cannabis sativa. Individuals smoke or consume recreational marijuana to receive a feeling of euphoria or the sensation of being “high.” 

Is it addictive?
Marijuana is addictive. Research data suggests that 30% of marijuana users have some degree of marijuana use disorder, which is a form of addiction in severe cases. 

What are some side effects of using marijuana for non-medicinal purposes?
The side effects of using marijuana are bloodshot eyes, depression, dizziness, fast heartbeat, hallucinations, and low blood pressure. It can also adversely impact judgment, coordination, and IQ if the drug is taken during the teenage years while the brain is still developing. 

Is medical marijuana approved by the FDA?
Since there hasn’t been much research done with medical marijuana, the FDA has not approved the drug. There have been two man-made cannabinoid medicines that have been approved by the FDA called dronabinol (Marinol) and nabilone (Cesamet), which are also used to treat nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy. 

Which states have legalized medical marijuana?
Medical marijuana is legal in 29 states and the District of Columbia, and a few have legalized recreational marijuana. 


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