Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Ethnobotany of the Cherokee Indians

"All you need are wild plants and a Medicine Man"

Who were the Cherokees?
The Cherokees were a Native American tribe that was the most socially and culturally advanced when it came to communicating with the European explorers in the 16thcentury. They were able to create their own government and society that relates to much of current civilizations. Cherokees were also involved in the Indian removal, due to the discovery of gold on their homelands. 

What types of plants did they use for medicine/health purposes?
Cherokee tribes used Hummingbird Blossoms, cattails, mint, mullein, wild ginger, wild rose, and many others for their medicinal purposes. 

What is a Medicine Man?
A Medicine Man is a priestly healer and spiritual leader of the Native American tribes who believed that physical nature might be brought under the control of man, in the presence of a Medicine Man.
In other words, a Medicine Man is a doctor for a Native American tribe that performs rituals to heal a sick or injured person as opposed to what a traditional doctor does today. 

What are the specific benefits of the medicinal plants used?
Hummingbird Blossom (aka Buck Brush):
The Cherokee healer would make a weak decoction of the roots, for diuretic (an increase in the passing of urine) purposes, to stimulate kidney function. Along with kidney aid, the Hummingbird Blossom also helped with inflamed tonsils or lymph nodes. 

Cattails are mostly used as a preventative medicine. Although the mature leaves and seed head of the cattail are not edible, the rest of it is and is used for the recovery of illnesses. The roots are high in starch content and can be prepared similarly to potatoes, while the pollen from the male plants is a good source of protein. When boiled or mashed, one can apply to the skin to treat burns or sores, and the seed blooms can also be used to prevent skin irritations on infants. 

When in water and ingested, the mint can help with digestion; when in bath water, it can help relieve itchy skin. Also, Cherokee healers used an infusion of leaves and stems to lower high blood pressure. 

Mullein (kind of like a Tobacco plant):
In order to soothe asthma attacks and chest congestion, Cherokee healers would recommend that the individual inhale the smoke from smoldering mullein roots and leaves. When the roots were turned into a warm decoction, they could be used to help swollen feet or reduce the swelling in joints. Today, some people take mullein through oral use for breathing conditions, such as for coughs, asthma, colds, etc. Also, it has been known to be used for the flavoring of some alcoholic beverages. 

Wild Ginger:
In teas, wild ginger is known to help stimulate digestion. The Cherokees also believed that it could help treat stomach and intestinal problems. Another tribe, the Meskwaki, would pulverize the wild ginger stems to treat ear infections. 

Wild Rose:
Wild roses are a rich source of Vitamin C and are also used as a reliable preventative and cure for the common cold, and to help relieve sore throats. It is also used to stimulate the bladder and kidneys. 


Sunday, September 23, 2018

The Opium Poppy

“What matters most is what’s on the inside!”
What is an Opium Poppy?
The opium poppy gets its name from the chemical compounds called opioids, which are the chemicals that create a class of drugs. Poppies are small flowers with a milky sap and rounded seed capsules that contain alkaloids.

What is Morphine? And what does it do?
Morphine is a pain reliever that is used to treat moderate to severe chronic pain. Chronic pain is when an individual will continue to feel pain after the cause of the pain has been gone for several months. Morphine is such a powerful painkiller that people have been known to get addicted very quickly.

When and who discovered Morphine?
In 1803, Morphine was discovered by Frederich Serturner in Germany and was one of the first drugs to be isolated from a plant. He was an uneducated 21-year-old pharmacist’s assistant. He was very curious about the opium poppy so, in his spare time, he would conduct experiments to isolate the organic alkaloid compound. Once the compound was removed, the poppy flower had no effect on animals, but the compound itself made the animals sleepy. Through further experiments, he discovered pain relieving properties that existed within the compound. Therefore, the alkaloid compound within the opium poppy is responsible for the Morphine we have today. 

What was the big deal with Frederich Serturner’s discovery?
Due to Serturner’s discovery of isolating organic alkaloids from a certain plant, scientists were able to repeat his technique and create aconitine from monkshood, quinine from Peruvian bark, and many other drugs. 

The Opioid crisis:
Pharmaceutical companies assured those in the medical field that opioids would not be addictive to their patients, so doctors began prescribing these painkillers at much higher rates. At that time, no one was afraid to overuse these painkillers, which led to the realization that it was actually very addictive. Morphine and heroin both contribute to the high number of victims in the opioid crisis. Studies show that every day, more than 115 people in the U.S. die after overdosing on opioids. Therefore, always use caution when using any opioid drugs and reach out for help when necessary. 

**Fun Facts:
-       The name “Morphine” came from the Greek god “Morpheus,” the god of dreams. 
-       It takes more than 2.5 acres of poppies to produce about 20 lbs of raw opium.
-       Afghanistan is the world capital for opium.  


Sunday, September 16, 2018

The health benefits of roses in rosewater

Rose Water

" There is so much more to roses than meets the eye! " 

Imagine when you were a little kid, back when there was such a thing as having a wild imagination and creating things out of the most random of objects. When I was young, I use to put flower petals, grass, and water in a plastic cup to create "potions" with my friends. Now seeing that you can boil water with rose petals and make teas, perfumes, and healthy products that can help with inflamed skin, colds, and many other things is pretty cool! 

Who first created rose water?
            Greece has been known to be the origin of using roses for their fragrance and extracts, but in the late 7thcentury A.D., evidence shows that Iran was responsible for the creation of rose water. Avicenna was the Muslim physician who was credited with extracting the rose water out from its petals. Distillation became a popular technique used in the Middle East that was brought to Europe by the Crusaders. Once individuals started to realize that roses were able to treat conditions such as eye disease, rose water traveled to Egypt, Greece, China, and India because of its remarkable healing properties. 

What is rose water?
            Rose water is when rose petals are either cooked or distilled in pure drinking water. When doing this, it is crucial to make sure that organically grown roses are used, meaning that there are no chemicals or insecticides that are on the plant that could cause harm to the individual using the rose water.

What health benefits does rose water have?
            Since I have eczema, I thought it was fascinating to know that rose water is known to treat conditions like eczema and rosacea. Rose water has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe irritated skin and helps protect skin cells from being damaged. Not only does rose water benefit inflamed skin, but it can also be used for fragrances, herbal tea, treating cuts, stress, depression, and cold-like symptoms, such as a sore throat, stomachache, or a headache, and can also work as an anti-aging product. 

What are other forms of rose water?
            Although rose water has been shown to be a very effective form, there are other forms of the same product that can be created as well. Rose oil is when the flower is distilled to create an oilier product that can keep the skin moisturized for many hours. If preferred for culinary purposes, dried petals or buds are often used in foods or drinks. 

How can you apply the water to get the best results?
            When applying the rose water, one could rub it directly on the irritated parts of the skin, place it on a cloth and place the cloth on his/her forehead to help with headaches. You could also use it as a body spray, or just drink it. These are only some of the ways to apply rose water. 

Do specific roses have these health benefits?
            Rose water comes from Rosa damascene, a species of rose that contains terpenes, glycosides, flavonoids, and anthocyanins which are the organic compounds that give rose water its healthy composition. 

Word of caution:
Be sure to test whether or not you are allergic to roses touching the surface of your skin before applying to the entire body or ingesting it. Also, if you are not the one freshly growing the roses, be sure to purchase roses from a reliable source that would not put potentially harmful chemicals on the roses. 

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